A downloadable tool for Windows

This tool was originally created to work with Orange's Space Station 13 remake called Redux, but I thought it might be useful to share it with other users as well.

In a nutshell, if you are working with a project with closed source code, but you need to create MapTool for mappers - you can automatically build it with my utility just by specifying the path to .dme of your project and the desired name in the config.


- Ability to add custom variables for parsing.

- Dealing with needed .dmi's.

- Defines support.

- Simple JSON config.

- Fast as lightning.

Since the tool was created with Griefsoft and Redux code standards in mind, you may encounter some specific problems. Let me know if you have any difficulties via Discord @lfwb, I'll be happy to help.

                                          GRIEFSOFT - 2023

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tagsbyond, dreammaker, mapping, ss13, Tilemap


WishMapper.zip 21 MB

Development log


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